The recasting couch 1: Star Wars A New Hope

The recasting couch 1

What's up folks Ed Johnson here with my take on the casting call this is the "recasting couch"

Back when wizard magazine helped nerds like me make it to the next comic drop - there was a segment where they either cast or recast possible films.

I'm ripping that off -

First flick: Star Wars: A New Hope
(Some if these choices will make some of you uncomfortable, angry or pyro-maniacy - if you do, count to ten and take your meds - this is just for fun)

Han Solo
A toughy - to recast a great & charismatic actor like Harrison Ford nearly impossible but I think Chris Pine of Star Trek fame can pull it off.

He's got equal parts heroism and scoundrel
(Back up actor Karl Urban) your welcome ladies

Next up C3P0

Simon Pegg & Nick Frost already spoofed this but I actually think it'd be perfect.

Continuing on my secret "use entire cast from Star Trek" theme - did you catch that?

Leia -
Not as tough as Han but some - because you want the boys to want her and the girls to want to be like her - I can't think of a more balls to the wall chick right now other than Zoe Saldana

(Quick Ed - before they regain their racist balance)

With that casting I move away from Star Trek w what may be the most hated picked on this list but I think would work is Jaden Smith for Luke Skywalker -

Breathe nerds breathe - it'll never happen - it's ok it's ok. There won't be a black Luke - breathe

Anyway lastly this was actually my toughest pick Obi Wan - tough because you had to get a guy you might've seen in action as a young man since they made Obi so kool in prequels (physically anyway) so I went with Viggo Mortensen as Obi.

By now he's old enough to be him and we all know he was a young badass.

(Vader - doesn't matter - could be anybody til third flick)

So there you go - don't care if you agree. Nor does it matter that I put this together - no body's listening.

Til next time - be nerd to each other
