The Recasting Couch 2: Blade Runner

The recasting couch 2

Welcome to another opinionated edition of The Re-casting couch.

This time out we are going to cover a flick that is dearest to my heart - My fav of all time
(note: I hope they never remake this movie but in case they do - this is how I'd like it to go down)

That movie would be BLADE RUNNER!!

(Note 2: If you dont like a pick - dont get upset - this is just some random guy with access to a computer typing in the dark - it'll never happen.)

That said - lets go

Deckard - I assume there will be some controversy no matter who is picked but  (again this film short of the cuts that were made - is perfect)

My pick is - Josh Brolin

I think he can carry the weight of the detective side as well as the action that this piece needs.

My real first pick I made my second real first pick for Deckard would be - Idris Elba

Based on his work in the bbc show "Luther" he'd be great too. Go check it out on netflix.

Next lets go with Pris - for look and similar feel to Daryl Hannah - I thought Jennifer Lawrence would fit the bill here - I could see her seducing J.F. easy

Next Leon - This may not go over as well but I'm liking this guy - not so much from his work but from his intereviews on how seriously he takes acting - that guy is Dave Batista

at 6'6" he'll be more than an intimidating Leon - my back up? Terry Crews

I dont have to tell you guys he a beast and can scare the be-jeezus outta somebody - but also a great guy - think he'd do this part justice - (my pick for Luke Cage as well)

Next Zhora

Now I had the biggest crush on Joanna Cassidy back then & after this movie it was outta control - so it was tough to replace her but if anyone right now is both hot and tough (& my #1 pick for Wonder Woman you idjits in hollywood) - that be Gina Carano

(with her boooyfriend)

Just a few more - in a small role easily filled by his talent - Gaff - originally played by the great Eddie Olmos - I've got Benico Del Toro in almost a cameo here

JF Sebastian? Jackie Earle Haley from Watchmen

I saved these for last because they're just as important as Deckard - Rachel - originally Sean Young (only movie I want to see Sean Young in) - the actress has to be able to carry not only the weight of the role but the weight of that wardrobe and not look silly - after a great turn in a role I didnt think she could pull off as catwoman Anne Hathaway would be a perfect fit here as Rachel

And Last but not least Roy Batty - I have 2 guys for this - first the voice of Jarvis himself Paul Beatty

But as a strong back up - why not - I could stand to see more of him - another Marvel alum - Tom Hiddleston

So thats it folks my recasting of my favorite movie (I hope they never make one) Blade Runner.

Til Next time - Be nerd to each other

Peace - Shop Now!