PORTLAND, OR, 05/09/2018 — Image Comics is pleased to announce that WHERE WE LIVE will team up with local Las Vegas non-profit, Route91Strong.
100% of the proceeds for the WHERE WE LIVE anthology will be donated to the Route91Strong Nonprofit, survivors helping survivors with support through financial assistance, hope, strength, change, and love. Route91Strong is a tax exempt non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Benefit Corporation that stemmed from the Route 91 Harvest Country Music Festival mass shooting that occurred on Sunday, October 1, 2017, in Las Vegas.
WHERE WE LIVE BOOK TOUR: May 30, 2018 @ 6:00PM Golden Apple Comics in Los Angeles, California
Featuring participating contributors: Sina M Grace, Brian Haberlin, Matt Hawkins, Ray-Anthony Height, Mariah Huehner, Lucia Fasano, Joshua Hale Fialkov, Tess Fowler, Christina Rice, Rob Rose, Chris Ryall, Malachi Ward, Henry Barajas.
June 2, 2018 from 2:00 – 6:00PM Alternate Reality Comics in Las Vegas, Nevada 20% of store sales for the day to be donated to the fund for the victims of the shooting.
Featuring participating contributors: Josh Ellis, Scott David Johnson, Jarret Keene, Rachel Crosby, Matt Sorvillo, Pierce Elliott, Jennifer Battisti, Wendy Wright-Williams, Daniel Hernandez, Jason Harris, James Robinson, J H Williams III, Brian Haberlin, Larime & Sylv Taylor
June 2, 2018 from 12:00 – 4:00PM The Comic Book Shop in Wilmington, DE
Featuring participating contributors: Greg Pak, Erica Schultz, Liana Kangas, Justin Jordan, Matthew Dow Smith, Monica Gallagher
June 7, 2018 @ 6:00PM Barnes & Noble Tribeca in New York, NY
Featuring participating contributors: Paul Azaceta, Cliff Chiang, Ivan Brandon, Tyler Boss, Will Dennis, Scott Wilson, Jason Starr, Taylor Esposito, Erica Schultz, John Broglia, Joseph Illidge, Joe Mulvey, Sal Cipriano, Matthew Lesniewski, Liana Kangas, Mike Cavallaro, Janice Chiang, Neil Kleid, Greg Pak, Alex Segura, Isaac Goodhart, Jeff Boison, Amy Chu
June 15, 16, 2018 Heroes Con Charlotte, NC
Featuring various participating contributors, to be announced.
About WHERE WE LIVE: Curated by JH Williams III, Wendy Wright-Williams, Will Dennis, and Image Comics’ Publisher, Eric Stephenson, the WHERE WE LIVE anthology will be available in comic shops on Wednesday, May 30th and in bookstores on Tuesday, June 5th.
The WHERE WE LIVE anthology contains over 70 stories from over 150 different creators and clocks in at around 300 pages total.
The book will include a variety of perspectives with key themes exploring gun violence, common sense gun control, value of a compassionate society, mental health stigmatization, aftermath of tragedy and how individuals and communities persevere, and an appreciation of Las Vegas as a vibrant community.
The WHERE WE LIVE anthology is a riveting collection of both fictional stories and actual eye-witness accounts told by an all-star lineup of the top talent working in comics today as well as Las Vegas locals. All the creators have graciously volunteered their time and talent to help bring some sense to this senseless act and, in the process, raise money for the survivors and their families.
WHERE WE LIVE ANTHOLOGY contributors: Michael Allred & Laura Allred Henry Barajas, Isaac Goodhart & Kelly Fitzpatrick Jennifer Battisti, Geof Darrow, Dave Stewart & Bernardo Brice Jennifer Battisti & J.H. Williams III Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Oeming, Taki Soma & Bernardo Brice Haden Blackman & Richard Pace Haden Blackman, J.H. Williams III & Todd Klein Jeff Boison & Tyler Boss Ivan Brandon, Paul Azaceta & Bernardo Brice Ryan Burton, Tony Parker, Dee Cunniffe & Bernardo Brice Kurt Busiek, Andrew Maclean, Lee Loughridge & JG Roshell (at Comicraft) Amy Chu, Gabriel Hernandez Walta & Alexander Chang Rachel Crosby, J.H. Williams III & Bernardo Brice Al Davison Kelly Sue DeConnick, Joelle Jones, Dave Stewart & Bernardo Brice J.M. DeMatteis & Mike Cavallaro Gustavo Duarte Aaron Duran, Joe Mulvey, Jules Rivera & Bernardo Brice Joshua Dysart, Pere Perez & Bernardo Brice Pierce Elliott & Monica Gallagher Joshua Ellis, Jeff Lemire & Bernardo Brice Lucia Fasano, Tess Fowler & Bernardo Brice Ray Fawkes Joshua Hale Fialkov, Noel Tuazon & Bernardo Brice Neil Gaiman, J.H. Williams III & Todd Klein Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie, Dee Cunniffe & Clayton Cowles Brandon Graham Justin Gray & John Broglia Lela Gwenn & Matthew Dow Smith Matt Hawkins, Aaron Campbell, Dee Cunniffe & Bernardo Brice Daniel Hernandez, Moritat & Casey Silver Talia Hershewe, Jock & Bernardo Brice David Hine, Brian Haberlin & Geirrod Van Dyke Joe Illidge, Ray-Anthony Height, Andrew Dalhouse & Deron Bennet Van Jensen, Eric Kim, Chris O'Halloran & Bernardo Brice Scott David Johnson, Phil Hester, Eric Gapstur, Mark Englert & Bernardo Brice Justin Jordan, Tom Fowler & Taylor Esposito Jarret Keene, Craig Cermak, Marissa Louise & Taylor Esposito Neil Kleid & Nick Pitarra Greg Lockard, Tim Fish, Michael J DiMotta & Sal Cipriano Ollie Masters, Jason Harris, Sina Grace & Shaun Steven Struble Mariah McCourt, Ariela Kristantina, Bryan Valenza & Bernardo Brice Mike Mignola & Dave Stewart Mark Millar, Alex Sheikman, Marissa Louise & Bernardo Brice Gary Spencer Millidge Fabio Moon B. Clay Moore, Kelly Williams & Chas! Pangburn Greg Pak, Triona Farrell & Simon Bowland Alex Paknadel, Chris Wildgoose, Triona Farrell & Aditya Bidikar Curt Pires, Matt Lesniewski & Alex Petretich Christina Rice, Richard Pace & Bernardo Brice Darick Robertson, R. Eric Lieb & Christopher Crank James Robinson, Dean Kotz, Stefano Gaudiano & Casey Silver Robert Rose & Matt Strackbein Chris Ryall, Gabriel Rodriguez, Nelson Daniel & Bernardo Brice Rafael Scavone, Rafael Albuquerque, Patricia Mulvihill & Bernardo Brice Erica Schultz, Liana Kangas & Cardinal Rae Alex Segura, Marco Finnegan, Kelsey Shannon & Janice Chiang Gail Simone, Ryan Kelly, Giulia Brusco & Bernardo Brice Matthew Dow Smith & Michael Gaydos Matt Sorvillo & Sean Phillips Jason Starr, Andrea Mutti, Vladimir Popov & Bernardo Brice Cameron Stewart Larime Taylor & Sylv Taylor Paul Tobin, Dustin Weaver & Bernardo Brice David Walker, Damon Smith & Motherboxx Studios Malachi Ward Rob Williams & Javier Pulido Scott Bryan Wilson & Cliff Chiang Chris Wisnia, Bill Sienkiewicz & Jeromy Cox Wendy Wright-Williams, J.H. Williams III & Todd Klein Warren Wucinich
And more!